


Rodas embodies the subtlety of marble through its grains elegance, showing an intertwined game between the chiaroscuro being presented in matt and polish finish and with a distinguished shade that characterizes it. This collection transmits great strength and a balance full of differences in its shades. Due to the features of the ceramic, the design has been developed mixing a ver luxury material with a leaning texture resulting on a very modern yet worldly material. It is the perfect synthesis that provides delicacy to the spaces in which it is applicated, due to the extraordinary variety of nature and a productive, very advanced and up to date technology.

Size Surface Pieces / Box Sqm / Box
80x160 Matt / Polished 1 1.28
60x120 Matt / Polished 2 1.42
120x120 Matt / Polished 1 1.44
95x95 Matt / Polished 2 1.81
80x80 Matt / Polished 3 1.87
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