


Cementina is a collection inspired on rustic and aged concrete tile floorings found in former industrial areas and country facilities. Taking into account those expressive and strong looks, we have confectioned an innovative collection that boasts powerful variations that recall direclty on the imperfections and nuances, on the handmadeness, on the plasticity with which those almost artisan floorings were infused.The whole potential of this collections is fully developed by combining these carefully selected graphic sources with a singular and characterful tile structure that blends in perfectly. This blend acquires a dramatic intensity, specially with different and dinamic lighting as the structure highlights the whole.Cementina’s strong and daring aesthetics undooubtfully help to create an excellent sense of intemporality and sophistication


This Cementina collection is presented in a range of three plain colours (light, cotta and dark) that make it very suitable to any space and a decor set strongly inspired in the 50s modernist design which will really make any space bold by itself. This collection comes in a single 30 x 30 centimetres size with unrectified edge tile.
cerocuarenta CEMENTINA Faces
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